List of All Feasts of the Lord
Dates of the Appointed Times

Click Here for Information on Passover

Click Here for Information on High Holy Days 

Below is a list of all major dates for the next five years. All holidays begin at sundown on the date before the date specified here.


5767 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2006 - 2007


Sat. 23 September 2006       Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Mon.  2 October 2006            Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Sat.  7 October 2006             Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Sat. 14 October 2006            First Day of Simcha Torah

Sun. 15 October 2006           Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Sat. 16 December 2006        Chanukah - Fest of Lights

Sun.  4 March 2007                Purim

Tue.  3 April 2007                   Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun. 15 April 2007                 Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon. 23 April 2007                 Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun.  6 May 2007                   Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed. 23 May 2007                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue. 24 July 2007                  Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av

 5768  Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2007 - 2008


Thu. 13 September 2007      Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Sat. 22 September 2007       Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Thu. 27 September 2007      Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Thu.  4 October 2007             First Day of Simcha Torah

Fri.  5 October 2007               Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Wed.  5 December 2007       Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Fri. 21 March 2008                 Purim

Sun. 20 April 2008                 Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Fri.  2 May 2008                      Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Thu.  8 May 2008                    Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Fri. 23 May 2008                    Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Mon.  9 June 2008                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Sun. 10 August 2008             Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5769 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2008 - 2009


Tue. 30 September 2008      Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Thu.  9 October 2008             Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Tue. 14 October 2008           Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Tue. 21 October 2008           First Day of Simcha Torah

Wed. 22 October 2008          Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Mon. 22 December 2008      Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Tue. 10 March 2009               Purim

Thu.  9 April 2009                   Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Tue. 21 April 2009                 Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Wed. 29 April 2009                Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Tue. 12 May 2009                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Fri. 29 May 2009                    Shavuot - Pentecost

Thu. 30 July 2009                   Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5770 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2009 - 2010


Sat. 19 September 2009       Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Mon. 28 September 2009     Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Sat.  3 October 2009             Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Sat. 10 October 2009            First Day of Simcha Torah

Sun. 11 October 2009           Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Sat. 12 December 2009        Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Sun. 28 February 2010          Purim

Tue. 30 March 2010               Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun. 11 April 2010                 Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon. 19 April 2010                 Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun.  2 May 2010                   Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed. 19 May 2010                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue. 20 July 2010                  Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5771 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2010 - 2011


Thu.  9 September 2010       Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Sat. 18 September 2010       Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Thu. 23 September 2010      Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Thu. 30 September 2010      First Day of Simcha Torah

Fri.  1 October 2010               Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Thu.  2 December 2010        Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Sun. 20 March 2011               Purim

Tue. 19 April 2011                 Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun.  1 May 2011                   Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon.  9 May 2011                   Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun. 22 May 2011                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed.  8 June 2011                Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue.  9 August 2011              Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5772 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2011 - 2012


Thu. 29 September 2011      Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Sat.  8 October 2011             Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Thu. 13 October 2011           Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Thu. 20 October 2011           First Day of Simcha Torah

Fri. 21 October 2011             Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Wed. 21 December 2011     Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Thu.  8 March 2012                Purim

Sat.  7 April 2012                    Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Thu. 19 April 2012                  Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Thu. 26 April 2012                  Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Thu. 10 May 2012                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Sun. 27 May 2012                  Shavuot - Pentecost

Sun. 29 July 2012                  Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5773 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2012 - 2013


Mon. 17 September 2012     Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Wed. 26 September 2012    Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Mon.  1 October 2012            Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Mon.  8 October 2012            First Day of Simcha Torah

Tue.  9 October 2012            Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Sun.  9 December 2012        Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Sun. 24 February 2013          Purim

Tue. 26 March 2013               Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun.  7 April 2013                   Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon. 15 April 2013                 Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun. 28 April 2013                 Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed. 15 May 2013                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue. 16 July 2013                  Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5774 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2013 - 2014


Thu.  5 September 2013       Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Sat. 14 September 2013       Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Thu. 19 September 2013      Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Thu. 26 September 2013      First Day of Simcha Torah

Fri. 27 September 2013        Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Thu. 28 November 2013        Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Sun. 16 March 2014               Purim

Tue. 15 April 2014                 Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun. 27 April 2014                 Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon.  5 May 2014                   Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun. 18 May 2014                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed.  4 June 2014                Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue.  5 August 2014              Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5775 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2014 - 2015


Thu. 25 September 2014      Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Sat.  4 October 2014             Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Thu.  9 October 2014             Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Thu. 16 October 2014           First Day of Simcha Torah

Fri. 17 October 2014             Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Wed. 17 December 2014     Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Thu.  5 March 2015                Purim

Sat.  4 April 2015                    Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Thu. 16 April 2015                  Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Thu. 23 April 2015                  Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Thu.  7 May 2015                    Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Sun. 24 May 2015                  Shavuot - Pentecost

Sun. 26 July 2015                  Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5776 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2015 - 2016


Mon. 14 September 2015     Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Wed. 23 September 2015    Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Mon. 28 September 2015     Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Mon.  5 October 2015            First Day of Simcha Torah

Tue.  6 October 2015            Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Mon.  7 December 2015        Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Thu. 24 March 2016               Purim

Sat. 23 April 2016                  Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Thu.  5 May 2016                    Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Thu. 12 May 2016                  Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Thu. 26 May 2016                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Sun. 12 June 2016                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Sun. 14 August 2016             Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av


5777 Jewish Calendar Year (240 Dropped in 135 AD) = 2016 - 2017


Mon.  3 October 2016            Rosh HaShanah - Feast of Trumpets

Wed. 12 October 2016          Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

Mon. 17 October 2016           Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles

Mon. 24 October 2016           First Day of Simcha Torah

Tue. 25 October 2016           Simcha Torah - Joy of Torah

Sun. 25 December 2016       Chanukah - Feast of Lights

Sun. 12 March 2017               Purim

Tue. 11 April 2017                 Pesach - Passover Next Day Unleavened Bread 3rd Day First Fruits

Sun. 23 April 2017                 Yom HaSho’ah - Holocaust Rememberance

Mon.  1 May 2017                   Yom HaAtzma’ut - Israel Independence Day

Sun. 14 May 2017                  Lag B’Omer - 33rd day in Counting to Pentecost

Wed. 31 May 2017                 Shavuot - Pentecost

Tue.  1 August 2017               Tisha B’Av - 9th of Av

PAST and FUTURE - The Feasts of the LORD Are Important

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Every one of the Feasts of The LORD are prophetic pictures of good things to come. The spring feasts are a picture of the Messiah who would come, who did come, Who IS Come, as the suffering servant, The Lamb of God, prophesied by Abraham, who pays the atoning sin sacrifice, for the sins of mankind. The gospels clearly show Yeshua’s fulfillment of the spring feasts. The fall feasts, the 10 Days of Awe in particular, are about His return as the Lion of Judah, the King of Kings, who will tread out the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God Almighty. The 10 Days of Awe are about Tshuva, REPENTANCE, and begin with the Feast of Trumpets, the evening of Sept 15, 2004 and climaxing with the ONLY biblically REQUIRED fast day, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, September 25, 2004.

  1. Passover – April 24, 2005
  2. Unleavened Bread – April 25, 2005
  3. First Fruits – May 1, 2005
  4. Pentecost – June 13, 2005
  5. Trumpets – September 16, 2004
  6. Day of Atonement – September 25, 2004
  7. Tabernacles – September 30, 2004

Few today, understand the meaning of the term DEVOUT found 9 times, only in the New Testament. Devout men such as Cornelius reverenced God, gave alms, and prayed continuously (Acts. 10:2). For Jews, there was a standard of the Law of Moses, that the LORD required His people to be in Jerusalem for the three REQUIRED Feasts of the LORD. 1. Passover, 2. Pentecost, and 3. Feast of Tabernacles. Each of the REQUIRED pilgrimage Feasts of the Lord, was a rehearsal, and a prophetic picture of prophecy, that God's people were to prepare themselves, for the expectation of the Messiah to come - BOTH times. First as the LAMB of God, Messiah Ben Joseph, the suffering servant and sin sacrifice. SECOND, as the LION of Judah, Messiah Ben David, the KING of Kings, and LORD of Lords. At His SECOND COMING He will tread the winepress of the WRATH of God Almighty. The Holy Bible, in the torah, COMMANDS that these feast are to be honored FOREVER.

The Spring feasts are in the month of Abib or Nissan (Mid March to Mid May time frame). Abib, or Nissan, is the Beginning of Months. Nissan or Abib is when the barley crop is abib, or has grain heads, when the new moon occurs. It is when the rabbis, who sit in Moses' seat, say it is. We, or NO other SPECIAL group, need to watch the moon and barley crop. That would be following a religious spirit, rather than the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ made that VERY clear in Matt 23:1-3. (Any Lunar Sabbath keeper should be given warning to cast out the demonic religious counterfeit spirit.) Nissan, or Abib, is the First Month. The New Year DOES NOT begin in the fall; but, in the spring as The LORD instructed Moses. The Spring feasts are in the Month of Abib, or Nissan, which will occur in what today is called Mid March to Mid May, time frame.

DAY OF PREPERATION (Day before Passover): On Abib 14. a. Originally the day the lambs were killed in Egypt and the blood placed over the door post and lintle of the Israelite dwellings. b. The day Yeshua, Jesus, was crucified, died, and was buried, in the middle of the week, Wednesday, just before dark, at even, (Dan 9:27 & Exo 12:18 & Lev 23:5 ). c. The Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua THE Messiah, THE Lamb of God, was sacrificed on a Roman Cross, outside the walls of Jerusalem on WEDNESDAY, Nissan 14, the Day of Preparation, (Wednesday NOT Friday) Nissan 14, 30 C.E., or Wednesday, April 3rd, in 30 A.D..

You are encouraged to click up and read this page regarding the PROOF of what Day of the Week the Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified, and what Day of the Week that He was RISEN from that death on the Cross.

The evidence presented there should dispense with ANY doubt, regarding the FACT that The Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified, and Buried, on WEDNESDAY, Nissan 14, or April 3, 30 AD, outside the walls of Jerusalem. The evidence presented there proves conclusively, that Yeshua THE Messiah was Resurrected on the SABBATH, as Lord of the Sabbath, on Saturday, at evening exactly 72 hours from when He died on that Roman Cross and was buried, outside the walls of Jerusalem, on Wednesday Abib 14, 30 CE.

Beginning of the Spring Feasts or the FORMER rain.

1. FEAST OF PESACH (Passover) Ex 12:14: On Abib 14, which originally was the day the Angel of Death passed over the Israelites in Egypt.

2. FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD (Seven days) Ex 12:17; 34:23; Lev 23:15-17; Num 28:26: a. Originally observed as the week for removing the leaven (sin) from the house, and the eating each day, of unleavened bread, in remembrance of the hasty deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt’s boondage. (Deliverance from the devil’s bondage to sin). The True God Sets FREE from Bondage and every false god is a control freak. Through Messiah, our Passover, THE Lamb of God, we may be set free from the bondage of sin, and set free from serving Satan by design or ignorance.

3. THE DAY OF EARLY FIRSTFRUITS – RESURRECTION – Messiah Yeshua is the First Fruit proving the Resurrection of the dead and promise of eternal life. (Yom Habikkurim or Sfirat Haomer): Lev 23:5-12,21: First day after weekly Sabbath meaning "the promise to come." a. Originally, this was the time to reap the harvest, and to wave a sheaf of the firstfruits of barley before The LORD, at the temple, by the priest, expressing thankfulness for the land. b. The same day deliverance for the Hebrews out of Egypt began. c. This was the day AFTER Yeshua resurrected, that Mary met Him in the garden, just before He ascended to His Father to make atonement, (Heb 9:11-12).

4. FEAST OF SHAVOUT OR WEEKS (Pentecost, means 50): The counting of the Omer, seven (7) weeks or fifty (50) days from the day of Firstfruits, this is also called the Later Firstfruits. Also referred to as the Day of Assembly in Deut 18:16. a. Originally the day the law was given to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai, 50 days after they left Egypt; Three thousand slain. b. The priest waved two loaves of leavened bread (wheat), made from the new flour, before The LORD c. The day the Holy Spirit was given to the apostles, 50 days AFTER Passover First Fruits, that is 50 days after the Resurrection of Yeshua; Three thousand received salvation on that First Pentecost after Yeshua's resurrection and ascension.

Beginning of Fall Feasts, or the LATER rain, or double outpouring rain (Hosea 6:1-3; Joel 2:23; Zech.12:10). The Fall Feasts, or high holy days, is a picture of the Messiah as the conquering, reining King, as He is fulfilling His role on the earth. The book of revelation depicts the fulfillment of the Fall Feasts of The LORD.

THE DAYS OF TESHUVAH (Return or Repentance): On Elul 1(August or September - 6 months after Passover, which is the first month of Abib). This starts 30 days before the Feast of Trumpets. Feast of Trumpets is Tshri 1 (7th Month - September or October - in the 7th month. Remember Passover is in Abib, or Nissan, the first month) The days of Teshuvah, or days of Repentance, ends Tshri 10 - on Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement, (total of 40 days). The 40 days of Teshuvah, is a time of returning and repenting before The LORD. During those 40 days, and especially the last 10, and most particularly the LAST day of Yom Kippur, we prepare our heart by seeking forgiveness, through repentance. The last 10 days - the 10 days starting wth the Feast of Trumpets and ending with the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, are known as the Days of Awe.

4. DAY OR FEAST OF TRUMPETS (Rosh HaShanah or Yom Teruach) Num 29:1; Lev 23:23-25: On Tishri 1. Rosh HaShanah means "head of the year." According to Jewish tradition, on this day the gates of heaven are opened, (Rev 3:7-11). Tradition has it as the anniversary of the creation of the world and the beginning of the Kingdom of HaShem (God), Adam and Eve were created, the flood waters dried up, Enoch was taken by the LORD; Sarah, Rachel, and Samuel were conceived, Joseph was freed from prison by Pharaoh, forced labor of Hebrews in Egypt ended, Job contracted leprosy, the start of sacrifices on the altar built by Ezra. According to Jewish tradition all of those events happened on Tishri 1. The Feast of Trumpets is celebrated by blowing trumpets (shofar) 100 times to announce the setting up of The LORD's eternal court.

The sounding of the shofar reminds us of the binding of Isaac by his father Abraham, and we too must be willing to make such sacrifices. On this day we reaffirm our acceptance of The LORD as our King, and He judges all of His human creatures on this day and decides on their fate in the coming year. It is the first month of the new civil year. These 10 days are called the Days of Awe or High Holy Days. This was also the time to bring all of your tithe (10th) for the poor, widows, orphans, and the Levite priest who have no inheritance. Over these 10 days the wheat will be brought in on the threshing floor and separated from the chaff. This 2-day feast comes AT A DAY AND HOUR NO MAN KNOWS and you are not required to go up to the temple on this day. a. This is the day set up to remember the blowing of trumpets when the great sign appeared in the heavens of the announcement of Yeshua’s birth (Lion of Judah), which the Chaldean astronomers had been watching, and waiting for, for over four hundred years, (Rev.12:1-2). b. Will be the announcement of Yeshua’s second coming and the Resurrection of the Saints, (IThess 4:16,17). c. Will be the end of Jacob’s trouble, (Jer 30:7). d. Will be the end of first Gog Magog War at the start of the millennial reign of King Yeshua.

6. DAY OF ATONEMENT (Yom Kippur) Lev 16:29; 23:26-32: On Tishri 10. Will end the 70th week of Daniel 9, and the culmination of the prophecy of Daniel. It is the final day of the 10 Days of Awe. This is the most solemn and holy day in the Jewish year and is spent Fasting, Praying, and Confession of Sins. Yom Kippur is the only REQURED FAST day of the year, in the Holy Bible. Yom Kippur is the day the chaff was burned up on the threshing floor on the temple mount, and this is the day the gates of heaven are closed, (Rev 3:7-11), and those who are not atoned for, will be judged. According to ancient Jewish tradition, this is the day when the sealing angel of Ezekiel 9, Rev 7:2-3, and Rev 9:4, is sent forth to seal the people of God. a. Originally this was the only day of the year, that the high priest could enter the veil, into the Holy of Holies, to make atonement for the sins of the nation, by sacrificing an animal and placing 7 drops of blood on the east end of the top of the ark of the covenant, or mercy seat. b. This was the day the transfiguration took place with Moses and Elijah, representing the Torah and the Prophets, and the day Yeshua’s ministry was confirmed after the order of Melchizedek. c. This also may be the day of the abomination and desolation, when the ANTICHRIST will STOP the OBLATION Altar. God will judge every human heart, regarding if it is like the Holy Spirit filled apostles, who would risk their life, twice a day, every day, AFTER Pentecost, to show RESPECT for the OBLATION Altar - OR - like the antichrist, who wants the OBLATION altar Stopped. (Dan 11:31, 12:11; Mt 24:15, Mk 13:14). d. Will be Judgment Day, or the Day of the Lord, (2Pet 3:10-13; Matt 25:31-34; 2Cor 5:10). e. The day Satan will be locked away for one thousand years.

7. FEAST OF SUKKOT (Tabernacles, or Booths) Lev 23:33-43; Ex 23:16; 34:22, John 7:2: On Tishri 15. This was the first day the glory of The LORD showed Himself in the tent of meeting. The Hebrew word Sukkot means hut, or booth, or tent. a. Originally commanded by The LORD for the Israelites to observe, for seven (7) days, in remembrance of The LORD and their Hebrew ancestors living in tents in the wilderness. Over these seven days a total of 70 bulls were sacrificed, representing a bull for every nation. b. Birth of Yeshua, yes, the birth of Jesus, is NOT the pagan Tamuz, or X-mass celebration. Yeshua was born on the Feast of Tabernacles. Tabernacles is the, true birthday of Jesus, Sept 23rd, Feast of Sukkot. And the Word was made flesh, and tabernacled among us, when God took on Himself a tabernacle of flesh, Emmanuel, God with us, The Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). c. All the nations will one day celebrate this feast, (Zec 14:16) d. Will be the Marriage Supper (Feast) with the Lamb, (Rev 19:7,8).

The LAST GREAT DAY: (Seven Days after Sukkot) On Tishri 22. As a special part of the celebration once a year, the priest on this day, would go down to Gahanna and draw water from the well of salvation, (well of Yeshua) mixed with a little wine, and pour it over the alter, to remind the people of the coming Messiah, that would pour out the Holy Spirit (Isa 12:1-3). The water and wine mixed looked like blood. a. Yeshua was circumcised on that day. b. Yeshua claimed to be the living water to the priest in the temple as they poured out the water on the alter, (John 4:14; 7:37-38). c. Will be the day of the pouring out of the Lord's Spirit on all flesh, later rain. d. Will be the Last Great Battle of Armageddon, and the return of Yeshua, (2nd coming) and the beginning of His millennium rein! e. Will be the day of the resurrection of the wicked dead AFTER the millennium for the judgment.

In Addition to the 7 Feasts of the Lord, the Jews have 2 other feasts that are optional. Those feasts are Hanukkah and Purim. Yeshua risked His life to go to the temple at the feast of Deducation, (Hanukkah), to declare that He is the Light of the world. Therefore, of these 2 extra feasts, it would seem that Christians have good reason to celebrate Hanukkah, when Jesus declared that He is the Light of the world.

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS or FEAST OF DEDICATION (Hanukkah): Approximately 60 days after the Last Great Day on Kislew 25. a. Originally the day the 2nd temple was rededicated after it was defiled by the Greek Syrian ruler Antiochus IV, who slaughtered a pig on the alter. Thousands of Jews were massacred during the years of this war. The feast marked the end of the war, which was led by the Jewish leader, Yehudah Maccabee, to recapture Jerusalem. This celebration lasted eight (8) days, and is observed with a 9-candle menorah, and is in commemoration to the miracle of the oil burning in the temple 7 branch menorah, for 8 days, in 164 B.C. b. During this time Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she was going to conceive by the Holy Spirit, and give birth to the Messiah, and the conception took place Teveth 2, which was the last day of the celebration of Hanukkah. c. Yeshua declared Himself to be the light of the world during this feast, (John 9:5-7; 10:22). d. Today this is a celebration of the rededication of our bodies (temples) to serving The LORD, Yeshua, Jesus, who is the light of the world.

PURIM (Feast of Lots): On Adar 14. a. Originally this is the celebration of the deliverance of the Persian Jews from a plot to exterminate them. Both Israel and Judah had been divided but had to unite and turn to The LORD for mercy. A lottery decided which day the Jews would die, and the day was Adar 13, but Esther exposed the lies of Haman to the King, and he was hanged, and Mordecai took his place as the king’s chief minister. The Jewish nation earned the right to leave exile, return to the Holy Land, and rebuild the temple, (Esther 9:20-32). b. The story of Purim is symbolic in that Esther fasted for three (3) days and then rose to go before the King to save all Israel, just as Yeshua was in the tomb in the eatrh for three (3) days and then rose to bring salvation to the world. c. Haman represented the sinful flesh, which was put to death. Mordecai represented the Messiah Yeshua, and was given unlimited command with great celebration.

The Feasts of the Lord are very helpful in understanding the book of
The Revelation. The Temple really is the scene of the visions. When
we can understand what was ordained by God to be done in the Temple,
that can give us great insight to have understanding of the prophecy
of the Revelation. What Moses was instructed to make was a PATTERN
of this Temple of which John was given revelation in heaven. The
visions in the Temple relate to the feasts of the seventh month
which are all about the Second Coming of The Lord Jesus Christ as
the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The fall feasts of the Lord tell of
the coming of Messiah Ben David, the KING of Kings and LORD of

Rev 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to
show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and
he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
Rev 1:3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of
this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for
the time is at hand.

No people ever reading the prophecy of the Revelation had more
reason to believe that we may understand the Revelation in fullness.
No people ever reading the Revelation have such reason to beleive
the time is at hand, as we have as we look at the Revelation TODAY.

The Passover feast of the Lord, the feasts of the First Month, are
about Messiah's first coming as Messiah Ben Joseph, the Suffering
Servant, the Most Holy, Sin Sacrifice, the Lamb of God. The Son of
God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, and He did
that, and He said, IT IS FINISHED. Alleluia Yeshua.

The feasts of the First Month are about Messiah's First Coming and
the Feasts of the seventh month are about His Second Coming.
Messiah's first coming had been completed when John was given the
REVELATION. This revelation is about the feasts of the seventh
month, the revelation regarding the Second Coming of Adonai Yeshua
Ha Meshiach, the Lord Jesus Christ.

On the first day of the Seventh month, is the feast that no man
knoweth the day or hour thereof, not even the angels, the Feast of
Trumpets. On that first day of the Seventh month, in the morning,
the High-Priest trimmed the lamps. Therefore, this Prophecy begins
with a vision of one like the Son of man, in the High-Priest's
garments, appearing in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks,
in the midst of them, trimming the lamps. He does this with what
appeared like a rod of seven stars in his right hand: and this
preparing of the lamps is done by the sending seven instructions to
the Angels and/or pastors of the seven Churches.

These preparations for the churches contain warnings against the
approaching Apostasy, and therefore relate to the times when the
Apostasy began to work strongly, and before it prevailed. It began
to work in the Apostles days, and was to continue working until the
man of sin would be revealed to the world in fullness. It began to
work in the metaphysical Gentiles, (New Age & WordFaith), and
Kabalistic Jews. Such groups used to be called Gnostics, or those
who had special hidden knowledge. This is occultic, hidden knowledge
is the meaning of occult, or as Daniel called it, understanding DARK
sentences. The occult is the OPPOSITE of true faith in Messiah,
which puts everything IN THE LIGHT.

John calls the Gnostics of his time Antichrists. In his First
Epistle, John says that in his days there were many Antichrists. The
Apostles EARNESTLY CONTENDED with the synagogue of Satan of the
Gnostics. By the Apostles condemning them so authoritatively, the
Churches were safe from the Gnostic attacks during the opening of
the first four seals. The visions at the opening of the first four
seals deal with civil affairs of the heathen Roman Empire. As long
as the Apostolic doctrine prevailed, the Church remained in purity
of the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fifth seal marks the
departure of the Church from the doctrine of the Apostles, and the
Church's need to be admonished and chastised by these Epistles.
These admonishments and chastisements would continue until the
Apostasy, the great falling away from THE Faith took place.

This great falling away from THE Faith is marked in time by the
opening of the seventh seal. The admonitions in these seven Epistles
relate to the state of the Church in the times of the fifth and
sixth seals. At the opening of the fifth seal, the Church is purged
from hypocrites by a great persecution. The hypocrites will NOT
ENDURE persecution, and Jesus tells us that those who ENDURE TO THE
END, are the ones who will be saved. When the sixth seal is opened,
that which restrained is taken out of the way, namely the sovereign
nation states. The very existence of independent sovereign nation
states has been a restraint and hindrance to the antichrist global
Satanist goal of Babylon. That is what Nimrod's tower of Babel was
all about, to centralize all nations. At the opening of the seventh
seal, the man of sin is revealed in fullness. However, saints can
and should know his identity NOW.

Therefore, NO people ever to look at the admonishments given by the
Lord have greater need, and incentive, to pay attention to the seven
Epistles. After the lamps, John saw the door of the Temple opened;
and by the voice as it were of a trumpet, was called up to the
eastern gate of the great court, to see the visions. A throne was
set, the mercy-seat upon the Ark of the Covenant, which is between
the Cherubims. And a rainbow was about the throne, the emblem of
glory. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats. And
upon the seats were four and twenty Elders sitting, clothed in white
raiment, with crowns on their heads; representing the Princes of the
four and twenty courses of the Priests clothed in linen. And out of
the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings, and voices, like
the flashes of the fire upon the Altar at the morning OBLATION
sacrifice. John heard the thundering voices of those that sounded
the trumpets. And there were seven lamps of fire burning, in the
Temple, before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God, or
Angels of the seven Churches, represented in the beginning of this
Prophecy of the Revelation by the seven stars.

And before the throne was a sea of glass clear as crystal; the
brazen sea between the porch of the Temple and the Altar, filled
with clear water. And in the midst of the throne, and round about
the throne, were four Beasts full of eyes before and behind. One
Beast before the throne and one behind it, appearing to John as in
the midst of the throne, and one on either side in the circle about
it, representing by the multitude of their eyes the people standing
in the four sides of the peoples court.

And the first Beast was like a lion, and the second was like a calf,
and the third had the face of a man, and the fourth was like a
flying eagle. The people of Israel in the wilderness encamped round
about the tabernacle, and on the east side were three tribes under
the standard of Judah, on the west were three tribes under the
standard of Ephraim, on the south were three tribes under the
standard of Reuben, and on the north were three tribes under the
standard of Dan, Numb. 2. And the standard of Judah was a Lion, that
of Ephraim an Ox, that of Reuben a Man, and that of Dan an Eagle. A
Cherubim had one body with four faces, the faces of a Lion, an Ox, a
Man and an Eagle, looking to the four winds of heaven, without
turning just like in Ezekiel's vision when this throne of God was
brought to earth rather than the prophet of God on the other side of
the cross going to that throne in the third heaven.

And they rest not day and night, or at the morning and evening
OBLATION sacrifices, saying, holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty,
which was, and is, and is to come. These are the same as what
appeared to Isaiah in a vision like this of John and Ezekiel. Isaiah
also saw the Lord upon a throne in the temple; and the Seraphims
that cried, Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. And when those
beasts give glory and honour and thanks to Him that sat on the
throne, who liveth for ever and ever, The four and twenty elders
fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship Him that
liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne,
saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and
power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they
are and were created.

At the morning and evening OBLATION sacrifices, just as soon as the
sacrifice was laid upon the Altar, and the drink-offering began to
be poured out, the trumpets sounded, and the Levites sang by course
three times; and every time when the trumpets sounded, the people
fell down and worshipped. It should be NO WONDER or mystery to any
true Christian why when the Holy Spirit filled Apostles were
threatened, beaten, jailed and even the first Apostle Martyr, James,
was killed in the Temple, that you would still find the Apostles in
that Temple, for the morning and even OBLATION sacrifices. Three
times the people worshipped, and that is why the Beasts cry Holy,
holy, holy, and at the end of the song, the people prayed standing,
till the OBLATION service was finished. In the meantime the Priests
went into the Temple, and there fell down before him that sat upon
the throne, and worshipped.

And John saw, in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne, a
book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals,
like the book which Daniel was commanded to seal up. And none was
found worthy to open the book, ONLY the Lamb of God.

And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four
beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been
slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven
Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took
the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And
when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty
elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps,
and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book,
and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast
redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue,
and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and
priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

At the foot of the Altar, stood a lamb as it had been slain, the
morning OBLATION sacrifice; having seven horns, which are the seven
Churches, and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent
forth into all the earth.


It was the custom for the High-Priest, seven days before the fast of
the seventh month, the Day of Atonement, to continue constantly in
the Temple. There he would study the book of the Law, (Deuteronomy)
that he might be perfect in it against the day of Atonement, Yom
Kippur. This entire service was completely to be performed by the
high priest. Part of that complex duty of the High Priest on the Day
of Atonement was reading the Law to the people. To help his studying
the Law there were certain Priests appointed by the Sanhedrin to be
with him those seven days in one of his chambers in the Temple.
These priests would be with him to review with him about the Law.
They would read it to him, and remind him to read and study it
himself. This high priest duty of opening and reading the Law those
seven days, point to the Lamb's opening the seals. We are to
understand God's time reckoning that those seven days begin in the
evening before each day. The day begins in the evening, and the ONLY
BIBLICALLY REQUIRED FAST DAY begins in the morning of the tenth day,
after that seventh day of preparation.

The seventh seal was therefore opened on the day of Atonement. And
when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
about the space of half an hour. The High-Priest, stood at the
Altar, having a golden Censer; and there was given him much incense,
that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints, upon the
golden Altar which was before the throne.

The custom was, on other days, for one of the Priests to take fire
from the great Altar in a silver censer; but on this day, for the
High-Priest to take fire from the great Altar in a golden Censer.
When he would come down from the great Altar, he took incense from
one of the Priests who brought it to him, and went with it to the
golden Altar. And while he offered the incense, the people prayed
outside in SILENCE, which is as the SILENCE in heaven for half an
hour. When the High-Priest had laid the incense on the Altar, he
carried a Censer of it burning in his hand, into the most holy place
before the Ark.

And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the
saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. On other
days, there was a certain measure of incense for the golden Altar.
But on the Day of Atonement there was a much greater quantity for
BOTH the Altar and the Most Holy Place. That is why we see MUCH
INCENSE in Rev 8:3. After this we see in Rev 8:5 And the angel took
the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into
the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings,
and an earthquake. The angel, meaning by the hands of the Priests,
he cast it to the earth without the Temple, for burning the Goat and
the other free will love offering sacrifices, until the evening
OBLATION sacrifice was ended.

And there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an
earthquake, meaning, the voice of the High-Priest reading the Law to
the people, and other voices and thunderings from the trumpets and
temple music at the sacrifices, and lightnings from the fire of the

When the worship of the day of Atonement was finished, the seven
Angels sound their trumpets at the great sacrifices of the seven
days of the Feast of Tabernacles. That is when the seven thunders
utter their voices, which are like the music of the Temple, and
singing of the Levites, mixed with the soundings of the trumpets.
Then the seven Angels pour out their vials of wrath, which are as
the drink-offerings of those sacrifices of the Feast of Tabernacles.

John said, after the visions of the sixth seal, And after these
things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth,
holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow
on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another
angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God:
and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was
given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of
our God in their foreheads, Rev 7:1-3. This sealing speaks to a
tradition of the Jews, that upon the day of Atonement all the people
of Israel are sealed up in the book of life and/or book of death.

On the first day of the month Tishri, the seventh month, three books
are opened in judgment. First is the book of life with the names of
those are written who are perfectly just. Second is the book of
death with the names of those are written who are atheists or very
wicked. And third is the book with the names of those whose judgment
is suspended till the day of Atonement, and whose names are not
written in the book of life or death before that day.

The first ten days of the seventh month are the Days of Awe, the
days of REPENTANCE, seeking God's grace which is found in
Repentance. During the 10 days of Awe, many will fast and pray very
much, and are very devout, so that on the tenth day their sins may
be remitted, and their names may be written in the book of life; on
the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. On the Day of Atonement, in
returning home from the Synagogues, they say to one another, "God,
the creator, seal you to a good year."

The traditional belief is that the books are now sealed up, and that
the sentence of God remains unchanged to the end of the year. This
is also the meaning of the two Goats, upon whose foreheads the High-
Priest yearly, on the day of Atonement, puts one of the two lots
inscribed, For God and For Azazel. God's lot refers to the people
who are sealed with the name of God in their foreheads. The lot
Azazel, which was sent into the wilderness, represents those who
receive the mark and name of the Beast, and go into the wilderness
with the great Whore.

The saints long for this seal to walk in a maintained fullness of
His Spirit. The sealing of the servants of God on the Day of
Atonement relates to what John gives in The Revelation of the
opening of the seventh seal. After the Lamb had opened six of the
seals and John has seen the visions relating to those six seals, he
looked on the backside of the seventh and then saw the four Angels
holding the four winds of heaven, and another Angel ascending from
the East with the seal of God. The Angels which held the four winds
were the first four of the seven Angels. When the seventh seal was
opened they were all seen standing before God. When the four angels
hold the four winds, there was silence in heaven for half an hour.

Then while the servants of God were being sealed, the Angel with the
golden Censer offered their prayers with incense upon the golden
Altar, and read the Law. As soon as the saints of God were sealed,
the winds hurt the earth at the sounding of the first trumpet. The
sea is hurt at the sounding of the second. These winds signify the
wars which Jesus told us would be as never had been or would never
again be. The first four trumpets are about this coming THIRD WORLD
WAR. We see the first four seals set apart from the last three by
the appearance of four horsemen towards the four winds of heaven.
The wars of the first four trumpets are set apart from those of the
last three by the mercy of God holding the winds, to minimize the
destruction of the NUCLEAR wars. Henry Gruver's visions noted the
mercy of God holding the four winds, and the three great woes.

We should remember and recognize the Ezekiel chapter nine vision as
being coincident with this same time of GREAT DESTRUCTION. And,
behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth
toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and
one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn
by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brazen altar.
The six men, like the Angels of the first six trumpets, are
commanded to slay those men who are not set apart unto God. The
hundred forty and four thousand are sealed. No man could number them
with the 666 number of the beast IN their right hand or forehead.
They are sealed to preserve them from the plagues of the first six
trumpets. The hundred forty and four thousand can be seen to be
twelve, times twelve, times ten, times ten, times ten. Twelve being
a number related to groups of God's people, and ten the number for
fullness or completeness. It may be seen that God's people, times
God's people, times fullness, times completeness, times fullness, to
be ALL of God's people.

For sure God's people will be preaching the EVERLASTING GOSPEL of
Rev 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him;
for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made
heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. The
saints of God who trust only in His Mercy, and only His Atonement,
also do hope that by the preaching of the everlasting gospel, they
grow into a great multitude, which no man could number, of all
nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues: for the Glory of God.

At the sounding of the seventh trumpet, THE LAST TRUMP, the saints
come out of the great tribulation with Palms in their hands. The
kingdoms of this world, by the war to which that trumpet sounds,
become the kingdoms of God and His Christ. The worship of the great
Hosanna was kept by the Jews upon the seventh or LAST day of the
Feast of Tabernacles. On that seventh and last day of the Feast of
Tabernacles they would be carrying Palms in their hands, and crying

After six of the Angels, just like the six men with slaughter-
weapons, (Ezekiel 9), had sounded their trumpets, the Lamb in the
form of a mighty Angel came down from heaven clothed with a cloud,
and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the
Sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.

We remember the form in which Christ appeared in the beginning of
this book of Revelation. Now, He had in his hand a little book open,
which is the SAME book which he had just opened; because, He
received only one book from Him that sitteth upon the throne. He
alone was worthy to open and look on this book. And he set his right
foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth, and cried with a
loud voice, as when a lion roareth.

The High-Priest on the day of Atonement, would stand in an elevated
place in the peoples court, at the Eastern gate of the Priests
court, and read the Law to the people. This reading would be done
while the Heifer and the Goat which was the Lord's lot, were burning
outside the Temple. The way and place this platform was set up for
this reading, helps understand what John saw. The High Priest would
be standing in such a manner, that his right foot might appear to
John like it was standing on the sea of glass, and his left foot on
the ground of the house. That is how the High-Priest would be seen
to cry with a loud voice, in reading the Law on the day of Atonement.

And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Thunders
are the voice of a cloud, a multitude; and this multitude may be the
Levites, who sang with thundering voices, and played with musical
instruments at the great sacrifices, on the seven days of the Feast
of Tabernacles: at which times the trumpets also sounded. For the
trumpets sounded, and the Levites sang, three times at every

I do believe that the seven thunders is a repetition of the Prophecy
of the seven trumpets in another form. And the Angel which I saw
stand upon the sea and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven,
and sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, that after the seven
thunders there should be time no longer; but in the days of the
voice of the seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the
mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his
servants the Prophets. (Rev 10:5-7)

The voices of the thunders last to the end of this world, and so do
those trumpets, SHOFARS.

And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and
said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the
angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went
unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he
said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly
bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the
little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my
mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was
bitter. Rev 10:8-10

This is very much like Ezekiel's eating of the book (Eze 3), which
was full of lamentations and mourning and woe, but sweet in his
mouth. Eating the book is becoming inspired with the Word of God and
Prophecy contained in it. It was sweet in John's mouth. We should
know that it is not about the bitter things like the Gentiles being
in the outward court of the Temple, or the treading the holy city
under foot; or the prophesying of the two Witnesses in sackcloth and
being killed by the Beast. It must begin right after that with the
sweet Prophecy of the glorious Woman in Heaven, and the victory of
Michael over the Dragon.

After the sweetness, it is bitter in John's belly. This is where we
see the gorey details of the great Apostasy, the great falling away
from THE Faith.

It is bitterly sad how the glorious Church whose seed kept the
commandments of God, and had the testimony of Jesus, continued to be
the same on the outward appearance. The sad truth in the great
apostasy is very different from the outward appearance. Before the
great apostasy her faithfulness came from the heart to fear God and
keep His commandments as the only acceptable response to the great
love of God had changed. The heart now was covetous and licentious
covered by a hypocritical religious appearance. The church in the
great Apostasy RIDES THE BEAST becomes an instrument of the global
antichrist state beast, (501c3). She no longer had the genuine
faith, devotion, and godliness, but became the great Whore. She was
totally corrupt in heart but kept her outward form and shape.

We should be well aware of the times. The prophesied 42 no rain
judgment on Israel is history. It concluded after exactly 42 months
and in 2003 the Jordan again overflowed its banks after the sea of
Galilee being at the lowest level in the history of planet earth.
The documentation of these facts may be seen at

And while the Gentiles tread the Holy City underfoot shouting the
Allah Akbar blasphemy of the moon god on the TEMPLE Mount the two
witnesses, prophesy somewhere like Elijah and Moses. This call of
Elijah is upon all true faithful remnant believers to simply say to
a world of antichrist confusion, How long halt ye between two
opinions. Like Moses, all true faithful remnant believers will be
calling all to fear God and keep His commandments, to love the Lord,
cleave to the Lord and to OBEY the Lord. There will be two to meet
up in Jerusalem soon to announce the judgments of the plagues of the
trumpets and vials of wrath. They will meet up in Jerusalem to
conclude their ministry where they will be killed and rise again
from the dead, and ascend up to heaven in a cloud; and then the
seventh trumpet sounds to the day of judgment.

John is inspired again having eaten the book, and begins the
Interpretation: Rev 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in
heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament:
and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an
earthquake, and great hail. Because he mentions the Ark, we may know
that this was the first Temple. The second Temple had no Ark. The
judgments answer to the wars in the revived antichrist fourth beast
Roman Empire.

The true FAITHFUL Church, the glorious bride of the Kinsman
Redeemer, is persecuted, and here on this earth she is pained in
travail. The servants of God will be sealed with the fullness of His
Spirit, and the rest will be sealed for destruction with the mark of
the Beast. At the opening of the seventh seal, are the seven
trumpets and the pouring out of seven vials of wrath. We see it all
again from the perspective of the saints in the antichrist war upon
them. We see the Gentiles worshipping in the outward court, and
finally the Beast killing the witnesses in the streets of the great
city. These things are clarified by the vision of a woman sitting on
the Beast, drunken with the blood of the Saints, and we see how the
great city of Babylon is made to fall in one hour and come to the

The entire book of The Revelation has statements of these things
that the saints in the last days of the antichrist war on the saints
will understand to be clear and confirming restatements and
confirming second and third witness of what the Word of God has
said. The book of the Revelation is like the hub of the wheel of all
prophecy with all of the bible prophets as spokes of the wheel
strengthening the focal point of the hub. These same things may be
found in the book of Deuteronomy, which are confirmed by The
Revelation. We see the judgments repeated, interpreted, and
confirmed by the visions following the seventh trumpet.

What a Great Joy to live for His glory in this time of Great

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by
the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make
war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of
God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that
keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may
have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates
into the city.

1 Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day
should overtake you as a thief.