Things to Know about Sabbath Observance
And MANY Bible Facts on the Sabbath Question
There are 6 simple instructions to make the
Sabbath a delight:
Rest from Work, Do Not Require Others to Work,
Stay Home,
Short Travel, No Shopping, Buying,
or Selling, AND Do Not Kindle Fires.
Remember - James 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is
the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth
on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. BE EXTRA CAREFUL
We simply, as a child BY FAITH, according to
the more sure Word of God,
which is written in the KJV Holy Bible. There we find mention of the Sabbath
137 times in 116 verses from Gen to Rev. By Faith, we receive the
blessing of the Sabbath presence of the Lord of Sabbath. By faith we believe
that the King of Glory,
the Lord of Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts, the Holy One of
Israel, is
knocking at our
door Friday evening. We just welcome Him in and by
faith are aware of His Holy presence,
and in His presence is FULLNESS of Joy.
The scriptural and historical truth is that the Pope changed it in the 4th
century to honor the Sun God, Baal, and make the pagans happy. Pagans,
insisted everyone worship on Dies Solis, or Day of the Sun, to honor
Lucifer's sun god, AKA, Baal,
According to bible time reckoning, the day begins at evening. "And
the evening and the morning were the first day." (Gen 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, &
The Sabbath begins at sundown on FRIDAY and ends at sundown on Saturday.
SUNDAY IS THE FIRST DAY - the Pagan Sun god day - DEIS SOLIS - Day of the sun.
At sundown on Saturday, the First Day of the week begins. Since the time of
the apostles the L-rd's Supper, or Communion was held at or near the end of
the gathering and not at the beginning. The traditional way of ending the
Sabbath gathering of the believers was the Havdalla, or closing of the
Sabbath. This would be followed by the "L-rd's Supper" or Communion.
Therefore, if you asked the disciples when they celebrated the "L-rd's
Supper," since it was after the Havdalla, (close of Sabbath),
they would tell
you the beginning of the First Day of the Week, which was
right after sundown
on Sabbath. Anything occurring after the Havdalla, was
the First Day
of the week, not the Lord's Day. The Lord's days is the seventh day, or
In Acts we find the following verses which show when the church, before it
was paganized by the Pope in the 4th century, gathered for worship. Cleary
it was Sabbath when they gathered for worship because everyone worked
at their regular jobs on Sunday or the First day of the week.
When we study and rightly divide the word of
truth, we find in the details
of that one New Testament first day meeting IN FACT to be a profound
UNDERSTAND that in the first century
church gatherings that communion was right
after Havdalah, or closing of the
Sabbath on Saturday night, we see that Paul
preached all night
night, which is called the Evening of the First day.
Paul left during the
of that SAME First Day at which he began preaching
after Havdalah, after the communion the night before, beginning his
right after communion
communion, on Saturday night, which was the evening part
of the First Day -
Paul left during the morning part of that SAME first day. Acts 20:11.
The truth is that "sin is the transgression of the law" and that the penalty is death.
The celebrations including December 25th
in honor of the Sun God, Baal, at the
winter solstice, and Easter, the solar
observance of the spring equinox, attempted to
void the 1st
commandment in the name of "Christianity". The graven images of pagan
deities were given "Christian" titles, and attempted to void the 2ndcommandment.
To say that "Christians" do not have to obey the commandments of
G-d, is to take
the name of G-d in vain and violates the 3rd commandment. The
Sunday observance
of "Deis Solis", the day of the sun, attempted to void the
4th commandment.
We say attempted because Messiah had proclaimed "till heaven and earth pass,
one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law." Yet, God has
always preserved a faithful remnant. And God's truth will emerge to, and
through, that faithful remnant, regardless of the pressure applied to make
the laws of God of no effect by the traditions of men.
The official recognition of sun worship in the Roman Empire began during the
time of Aurelian when he instituted the cult of "Sol invictus". In the year
307 A.D. Emperor Diocletian, a sun worshiper, was responsible for the
burning of scripture which made it possible for later emperors to formulate
their own version of "Christianity." These would always include the
violation of the 4th commandment with observance of "Deis Solis," the day of
the sun, or Sunday.
After Diocletian, Emperor Constantine, while claiming to be a Christian
maintained the title "pontiffus Maximus" the high priest of paganism. It is
interesting that the title "pontiffus Maximus," supreme pontiff, is a title
in a religion calling itself "Christian" today. Constantine's coins were
inscribed with: "SOL INVICTO COMITI", (Committed to the Invincible Sun).
During his reign pagan sun worship was blended with the worship of the
True God, and officially entitled "Christianity." The priests of the sun god,
Baal, were known as "Fathers." Sunday (Deis Solis), the day of the sun, was
considered by sun worshipers a sacred day of rest. December 25th was
celebrated as the birth of the sun, given birth by the "Queen of Heaven" -
"Mother of god." Up until the 4th century, none of these sun god, Baal,
practices and rituals could be found in the Christian faith. In the 4th
century, through confusion and manipulation, rituals of "sun worship" were
pronounced by followers of Satan to be "Christian" in nature.
Constantine ushered in the "Dark Ages," which continued under the iron
fisted rule of the "Supreme pontiff" of Roman "Christianity" until enough
brave men gave their lives that the Holy Bible, the written word of God,
could be translated into the language of the common man, and not just Latin.
The printing press of Gutenberg, printing the Holy Bible, in the language of
the common man, brought an end to the "Dark Ages."
The 4th commandment is found in Ex20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to
keep it holy.
WARNING - one of the most sure ways of witnessing an explosion of a
religious spirit bound churchman is to ask "When did G-d change the 4th
commandment?" Let the Holy Spirit lead in sharing this important truth
that FEW will have ears to hear. It would also be good to have memorized
Matt. 5:11-12. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you
and say all manner of evil against you falsely for My Sake. REJOICE, and be
exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they
the prophets which were before you.
Rest from Work, Don't Require Others to Work,
Stay Home,
Short Travel, No Shopping, Buying, or Selling, AND Don't Kindle Fires,
SABBATH is special time with You and Yeshua. Part of what is special is that
personal fellowship
and working things out between just you and Yeshua is part
of what is Special and adds to
the delight of Sabbath.
The Sabbath is the sign by which God recognizes His people an that His
people recognize they have the God who created heaven and earth and who
sanctifies them (Ex 30:13)
God promised that Jerusalem should stand forever if the inhabitants of
would keep the Sabbath. (Jer 17:24, 25.) God sent them into the captivity
in Babylon for breaking God's Sabbaths.
(Neh 13:18) God destroyed Jerusalem
because they violated His Sabbaths. (Jer 17:27.)
God has pronounced a special blessing on all the Gentiles who
will keep His
Sabbaths (Isa 56:6, 7.) Carefully read about Isaiah Chapter 56 which is what
The Lord Jesus Christ quoted the only time that He ever used violent force.
God has promised to bless all who keep His Sabbath. (Isa
The Lord requires us to call it "honourable." (Isa 58:13.) Those who
would dare
even ignorance to call God's Sabbaths a derogatory "old Jewish
Sabbath," or
"a yoke of bondage," or similar terms of derision should be warned.
A significant sign of the last days is that after God's holy Sabbath has been
trodden down "many generations,"
it is to be restored in the last days. (Isa 58:12, 13.)
All the bible prophets kept the seventh day. When the Son of God came, He kept
the seventh day all His life. It was the custom of Yeshua to be in the
synagogue on
the Sabbath.
(Luke 4:16; John 15:10.) Why do so many so-called Christians despise
following the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles?
The seventh day, NOT the first day, the seventh day is the Lord's day.
(Rev 1:10; Mark
2:28; Isa 58:13; Ex20:10.)
Jesus IS Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28), that is, to love and
protect it, as the husband
is the lord of the wife, to love and
cherish her (1 Peter 3:6). Yeshua honored the
Sabbath as a merciful institution designed for
man's good. (Mark 2:23-28.) Instead of
abolishing the Sabbath, He carefully taught how it
should be observed. (Matthew 12:1-13.)
Yeshua taught His disciples that they should do nothing upon the
Sabbath day but
what was "lawful." (Matthew 12:12.) Jesus instructed His apostles that the Sabbath
should be
prayerfully regarded. (Matthew 24:20.) The pious women who had been
with Jesus carefully kept the
seventh day after His death. (Luke 23:56.)
Thirty years after Christ's resurrection, the Holy Spirit
expressly calls it "the Sabbath
day." (Acts 13:14.) Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, called it the "Sabbath day"
in A.D. 45. (Acts 13:27.) Who would be so foolish as to think Paul did not know?
Why are the modern teachers followed, who teach AGAINST the Word of God, that
the Sabbath somehow mysteriously stopped being the Sabbath sometime after the
resurrection of Christ? God did not change it. The truth is the Roman pope
it to honor the pagan sun god. Knowing that Jesus was Crucified on the day of
preparation, WEDNESDAY, Nissan 14, 30 AD is the only way that one may
None of the patriarchs ever kept Sunday. None of the holy prophets ever kept Sunday. By the
express command of God, His holy people used the first day
of the week as a common working
day for 4,000 years, at least. God Himself calls the first day a "working" day. (Eze 46:1.) God did
NOT rest upon Sunday. God NEVER blessed Sunday. Messiah did NOT rest upon the First day.
Jesus was a carpenter (Mark 6:3), and worked at His trade until
He was thirty years old. He kept
the Sabbath and worked six days in
the week, as all admit. Yeshua did many a hard day's work on
The apostles worked on Sunday during the same time. The apostles never rested on Sunday.
Messiah NEVER blessed Sunday. The First Day has NEVER been blessed by any divine authority.
Sunday has NEVER been sanctified. No law was ever given to enforce the keeping of Sunday.
no transgression to work on Sunday. "Where no law is, there is no
transgression." Romans 4:15.
1 John 3:4. The New Testament nowhere forbids work to be done on Sunday. There
is no penalty
for violation of Sunday. There is NO blessing is promised for Sunday observance.
There is NO
regulation given as to how the First Day ought to be observed. The First Day is
NEVER called
the Christian Sabbath, or anything like that in the Holy Bible.
The First Day is NEVER called the Sabbath day at all. Sunday is
NEVER called the Lord's day.
Sunday is NEVER called a rest day. No sacred title whatever is applied to the First Day.
You tell
me why people call Sunday the Sabbath or rest day or holy day. I sure can not tell
you, and there is
any way say that Sunday is a holy or rest day or Sabbath day. Sunday is simply called "first
day of the week." Jesus NEVER mentioned Sunday or the First Day in any way. The word Sunday
never occurs in the Bible at all. Neither God the Father, or the Lord Jesus Christ, nor
men inspired
by the Holy Ghost ever said one word in
favor of Sunday as a holy day.
The first day of the week is mentioned only twelve times in all
the New Testament. Two in
Matthew, three in Mark, one in Luke, two in John, two in Acts, one in 1 Corinthians
and one
Philippians. Six of these refer to the same first day of the week. Paul directed the saints to
look over their secular affairs on
the First Day. (1 Corinthians 16:2.)
In all the New Testament we have a record of only one religious
meeting held upon that
day, and even this was a night meeting. (Acts
20:5-12.) And if one will rightly divide the word
of truth it is a profound Confirmation that the Sabbath is the Seventh Day
and NOT the First
Day. That is a profound confirmation that the Sabbath is POSITIVELY NOT Sunday. Anything
after the Havdalah, or closing of the Sabbath, at
dark on Saturday night, is the first day of the
week. In the church about
we read in the book of Acts, the communion service was held
at the END
of the Sabbath gathering, right after Havdalah. So if one would ask when
they had
communion it would be right after Havdalah, at dark on Saturday, or
the First day of the week.
Remember, biblically, the day begins at evening
according to
bible time reckoning. Evening
and morning the first day. The Saturday evening
communion right after havdalah, Saturday
night was called the First day. SATURDAY NIGHT IS COMMONLY REFERRED
will CAREFULLY observe
Acts 20:7 and understand that in the first century
church gatherings that communion was
right after Havdalah, or closing of the
Sabbath on Saturday night, you sill see that Paul
preached all night Saturday
night, which is called the Evening of the First day. Paul left
during the
of that SAME First Day at which he began preaching after Havdalah, and
communion, on Saturday night which was the evening part of the First Day.
Paul left during
the morning part of that SAME first day. Acts 20:11.
There is not a hint that they ever held a meeting on Sunday
before or after that, and one
can see Paul sailed the First Day, Sunday. It was not their custom to meet on the First
day because everybody
was busy working on the first day. There was no requirement
to break bread on that day. There is only one account just one time where that was done,
and the most likely reason that it was done is because it was still so close to
Passover/Unleavened bread season. (Acts 20:6-7.) It is VERY clear that
that one record
of a first day service was done in the night—after midnight. (Verses 7-11.)
celebrated PASSOVER, the Last Supper, on Tuesday evening (Luke 22), and the
sometimes did a Passover Seder every day, and it is still done every day during
the season of Passover/Unleavened Bread to this very day by Messianic
The Bible NOT ONE TIME, nowhere, says that the first day of the week
the resurrection of Christ. This is a tradition of men, and is an error which
which contradicts
the law of God, and the bible record. (Matt 15:1-9.) Baptism
commemorates the death, burial,
and resurrection of Jesus. (Romans
Finally, the New Testament is totally silent with regard to any
change of the Sabbath day
or any sacredness for the first day. The Bible is ABSOLUTELY Clear that the
Sabbath, God's
Sabbath is the SEVENTH day commonly known as Saturday. The Bible ALSO MAKES IT
brief little summary of Bible FACTS regarding the Sabbath, there are
approximately one
hundred plain Bible Facts showing and proving
conclusively that the seventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord in both
the Old and New Testament. No one could find ONE Fact in
the entire bible to say otherwise. That is simply NOT possible.
What about you? As for me an my house we say
AMEN Peter - Acts 5:29 Then Peter and
the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
The Following is provided Courtesy of Brother
Jerry Golden
Jerry's Web Site - THE GOLDEN REPORT is in the LINKS Section of the GJiGT and
here is the direct
link -
Jerry writes:
Pastor after Pastor explain why Sunday is their Sabbath, and it may well be
their Sabbath, but it’s not
God’s. When there is absolutely not a single Scripture to back up the changing
of God’s most Holy Day
“The Sabbath” to SUN day. In this REPORT we will simply discuss the Sabbath
and in a very short
form how and why to observe it. Please understand that if you want to go to
Church on Sun day or any
other day, that’s ok with me. In fact, I wish you’d go every day. When I am in
the States and I preach
it’s more often than not on If such a bold statement coming from a Messianic
Jew hasn’t frightened you
away already, possibly there is hope for you. sun day. But it’s not my Sabbath
and it’s not God’s
To begin with Sabbath is the 7th day, Shabbat is the Hebrew word for Rest.
When Jews meet each
other or when they leave each other on Friday night or Saturday they will
always say Shabbat Shalom
“have a peaceful rest”. Gen. 2:1-3 God made a memorial to His Rest, in fact,
God felt it so important
that He included it in His Ten Commandments. And we should read it: Ex. 20:
8-11 “Remember the
Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
but the seventh day is the
sabbath day of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, or
thy son, not thy daughter, thy
manservant, not thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is
within thy gates: for in six days
the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested
the seventh day: wherefore
the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. And we read again in Deut.
5:12 Keep the sabbath
day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.
There are two words that help us to understand the meaning of keeping the
Sabbath. Remember and
Observe. “Remember” speaks to our inner thoughts of love and devotion. And
“Observe” becomes
the avenue by which we express our feelings toward God. So in the Sabbath we
have love and law,
feelings and observances, and devotion and obedience. One of the first things
one notices in Israel, is
that the Sabbath is observed with delight, it is a great time of family and
fellowship with friends and
neighbors. You will see more smiles on the faces than any other day. It’s not
a burden; it’s not “Oh I
have to go to Church.” Mark 2:27 “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man
for the Sabbath.
Yeshua declared himself “The Lord of the Sabbath,” He kept the Sabbath he was
an observant Jew,
He in fact was the only one who lived a perfect life according to Jewish Law.
No one else was able to
do it. He fulfilled the Law, He was perfect. He “Yeshua” Jesus the Holy One of
Israel kept the
Sabbath, not the Sun day. But He was unhappy with the misguided teachings of
many of the Rabbis of
that day, and would be today as well.
There is a simple answer to all of this. We should just do what God says and
forget what some
Denomination say we should do. After all it is God we worship not the Baptist
or Methodist Church or
any other Church for that matter.
Yeshua or Jesus?
Before going on with the Shabbat, I want to speak about “The Name”, and what I
have to say may
surprise some. As you noticed in my Newsletters I use the name “Yeshua”. But
do I have a problem
with the name “Jesus”? Absolutely not, I was saved under that name, I’ve seen
God do great miracles
under that name, and you most likely have as well. But, if your name is Jack
or Joe in English, when
you get to Israel your name does not change to Yockov or Yoseph. (The Jewish
equivalent). God can
speak all known and un-known languages. God knows if you’re talking to Him, He
knows your heart and
every thought. So who are we trying to impress, each other? We must get past
all this superficial,
spiritual pride look at me attitude. Just get real with God, and yourself.
But to close this subject, I want to say this, surely God is pleased when we
reach out to Him in truth,
and when we know the Messiah’s Name was Yeshua and we use it, I know that
pleases God. So it’s
between you and God, not you and me, or you and anyone else. It is like
accepting God’s Holiday that
He set aside, instead of the pagan ones, like Christ-Mass, or Easter. You
somehow must realize this,
without Jewish Roots there is no Christianity, only a pagan form of it.
Now back to the Sabbath
Our lives are full of hurry up, and stress, bills, the need to succeed, to
have more of everything, and
family problems. I have heard it said that life is about 10%, 10% & 80%, 10%
is the pits, 10% great
joy, and 80% humdrum. And not full of God, as it should be. I don’t know if I
agree with those
numbers, but they could be pretty close for most people. But my point is God
knew we needed a
weekly time out, a time to rest “Shabbat” a time to reflect on God and to
worship and praise Him. A
time for family away from the other six days that do us so much damage. The
Sabbath is a gift from
God, it is a way to keep your sanity, and too keep your values in their proper
perspectives. It is a gift
that leads us to a closer walk with our Creator. It is a way of ushering peace
into our homes. It is your
responsibility to celebrate and preserve it.
How to celebrate the Sabbath
It seems that some “Christians” Have problems with such things as the lighting
of candles, these same
“Christians” have no problems with a Christ-Mass Tree, or the Easter Bunny
with a Basket full of Eggs.
But let’s take a look at this custom of the women of the house lighting the
Candles just before the
Sabbath begins.
In ancient times, before clocks, they would blow the Shofar to say it is time
to light the Candles for the
Sabbath just before dark on Friday night. As it is forbidden to start a fire
on the Sabbath. So the
Women of the house has been chosen to light the candles, why you may ask?
Because Eve, the first
mother, extinguished the light of eternal life by disobeying God’s command not
to eat from the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil. Gen. 2:17 this tradition of lighting candles
has continued through out
all the generations. There are two candles (White) should be lit. One
represents “Creation” the other
“Redemption” they may also be symbolic of “Remember” and “Observe”. It is also
good to remember
that God chose another mother Mary to bring forth the Light of the World. John
The women of the house closes her eyes and covers them with her hands after
lighting the candles,
when she opens them, her eyes are blessed by the lighted candles. By this we
remember the
separation of darkness and the light of Creation. Gen. 1: 3-4 the candles are
left to burn until the go out
by on their own. To the Believer this is a beautiful celebration setting on
the Sabbath table each week,
It’s symbolic of Creation, which Sabbath celebrates, and Redemption – Yeshua
the Light of the
Well I guess for all the good Baptist, this is where you get off. A goblet of
wine is placed near the
candleholders on the table. The wine symbolizes life! The wine also symbolizes
joy! And the goblet is
full. But more important it represents the shed blood of Yeshua. At this time
a prayer called the
Kiddush is said, I will add this Kiddush at the end of this report.
Sabbath bread is called “Challah” (pronounced hal-la with a gutteral “ch”)
that is a term used in the
Tenach (Old Testament) for new dough. Which was a requirement to be
represented as a “gift unto
the Lord” (Num. 15:17-21) The bread is braided, like folded arms, meaning you
can’t work with folded
arms, you are at rest. In Leviticus 24:5-9 you will discover the law that
loaves of bread be placed on
the Alter before the Lord. According to verse 8 this was to be done on the
Sabbath as a sign of an
everlasting covenant between God has His people Israel. In the Tabernacle the
twelve loaves were
called face bread, meaning that it bought us to a face to face relationship
with God. It meant fellowship
with the Almighty. There are two loaves placed on the table, symbolic of the
double portion of manna
which God provided every Friday Night in the 40 years in the wilderness.
The bread is covered under a special covering, it is symbolic of the dew the
Israelites had when they
woke in the desert, and were reminded again that God always provides. This all
comes home to
Believers when we realize that the Messiah said; “I am the bread of life” John
Well I could go on and on, but I will just enclose the Kiddush, it is a short
abbreviated one but one
easy for a beginner to follow.
Friday Night Kiddush
I have been asked to help in putting together a Friday Night Kiddush (Friday
Night Service) that is
preformed in every Jewish home in the world. So what follows is a basic one
that anyone could follow.
It might be interesting to note that all the early Believers did this as well,
until the Catholic made it illegal
to do it.
If Yeshua HaMashiah, (Jesus the Messiah) were to be with you in the flesh this
Friday night at sundown.
The following is what He would want you to do. Because Jesus did Kiddush or
one much like it, every
Friday night of His life here on earth. When the sun goes down on Friday
night, the Sabbath begins.
The Lady of the house lights the two candles, they represent Creation and
Redemption. She recites
the following. (This is the Messianic Version)
Baruch ata Adonai Elahainu Melech Ha-Olam Asher Kidshanu Votav, Vtzibanu
L’hiyoht Or Lagayim V’
natan Lanu Yeshua Mishikanu Or La Olam.
Blessed are you, O Lord our God, Ruler of the universe Who sanctified us by
Your commandments,
and commanded us to be a light for the nations and gave us Yeshua our Messiah,
the light of the world.
We now sing the “Shema”
Sh’ma Yisreal, Adonai Elohainu, Adonnai Achad.
Hear O’ Israel the Lord, God is One God.
Sing it three times
Blessing over the wine, or if you prefer grape juice.
Baruch Ata Adonai Elohainu Melech Ha-Olam Borai Pri Ha-Gafin.
Blessed art Thou, Lord or God, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of
the vine.
Blessing over the Bread
Baruch Ata Adonai Elohainu Melech Ha-Olam Ha-Motzi Lehem Min Ha-Aretz.
Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread
from the earth.
The Lady covers her head with a scarf when lighting the candles, with her eyes
closed, the Jewish men
wear a Kippah, (Yamake)
The Rabbi says, the Sabbath does not begin until the women opens her eyes.
Legally it begins when
you can count three stars. But, when the sun goes down it is Sabbath
For those who do this, they will notice it pleases God. The Sabbath was made
for man, not man for the
Sabbath. So there is no bondage in doing this, it is an act of love towards
the Creator. It says to God,
thank you for the Sabbath Father.
Shabbat Shalom,
Jerry Golden